
pensamientillos nft collection – why?

(Leer la intro en español)

Roja would hate it I* refer to her as an “artist”

In her instagram she describes herself as “proud mexican, lover of food and coffee, drawer, google ux expert, cx advocate, bigmouthed geek” and to make this description even more truer, I would add: lover of food, coffee AND a good drink. 

She shares a glimpse of the “pensamientillos”(thats how a close friend of her named them) on her instagram. “pensamientillos” in english would be literally translated as little thoughts, although this translation does not capture the dismissive cynicism it conveys in spanish. 

The people that know her well know that she’s been drawing since she was a little nerdy kid growing up in Monterrey, Mexico fascinated by colors, nature and comics. 

Piles and piles of notebooks can be found wherever she goes, some are still in old boxes in her mother house, some have been lost in mudanzas, earthquakes and the most recent ones can be found randomly in various shelves and drawers in her home in Mexico City. 

I think her act of drawing is less a pursue of “creating art” and more of an (((eternal-quest-for-meaning anxiety-fueled))) compulsion. A sometimes mindless force of action from within that result in the most cunning, sharp and wittiest form of self reflection and mockery of the ridiculous condition of being alive. 

When you encounter a “pensamientillo” it goes right through you with the elegance that is often found in creations that reflect the human existence in its purest form. You wouldn’t know what hit you till you find yourself laughing about your own tragic sense of self. 

The motivation behind this first collection serves 3 purposes:

  1. A way to celebrate her beautiful and cynical mind by sharing her drawings with others.
  2. As an overture to the publication of a book of the “pensamientillos”
  3. A personal entertainment for myself in my quest to learn about crypto, blockchain and its different applications. 

What is special about this first collection?

  • You would be the true and sole owner of the unique drawing in its tokenized and original physical form
    • Only one digital token per drawing.
    • The original drawing will be sent to you in whichever part of the world you are. 
    • Digital file size with excellent printing definition.
  • The prices are fixed, no need to bid in an auction. 
  • If you are new to crypto, getting thru all the steps of owning an NFT will be like a crash intro course to the topic. Owning a “pensamientillo” will be kinda like getting diploma. Ps. I put together a quick guide of steps and resources that will help you begin.

*This profile was created and is managed by me (@cmarcosfv) with full permission of Roja.