learn – nft tutorial and resources

❣️ First some disclaimers about nfts

  • Nfts are a “new” and weird thing that humans are playing and experimenting with.
  • There are alot of different opinions about the purpose and uses of nfts, some of them are: identity, art, digital properties, form of investment, communities, videogames, trading, etc…
  • By learning more about it you will formulate your own opinion and depending on how deep you get into the rabbit hole, that opinion will probably change and evolve over time. As will the technology, applications and communities around it.
  • Approach this as an experiment and bring all your curiosity to the table.
  • Your “reward” will not be monetary, it will be in the form of knowledge, skills and brutal beauty found in Roja´s drawings.
  • Hopefully learning about crypto and nfts will give you confidence and freedom in your decisions related to finance and technology.
  • I will keep this tutorial as simple as possible, just merely touching the surface and basic steps. As you move along, your curiosity will drive you to start doing your own research and finding the sources that you connect and learn the most from.

Exercise 1: you need a wallet

Crypto and digital assets (as nfts) need to be stored somewhere. A wallet will also serve as a form of identity to login to crypto marketplaces.

There are a plethora of options for digital wallets, one of the most used and thrusted ones is Metamask, get in their page and download the browser extension. All the steps and FAQ are best explained by them.

Exercise 2: get your hands on some crypto

  1. OPTION 1: ideal if you are not really interested in holding crypto, just want to complete the exercise. You will get eth with debit or credit card, no need to open an account on an exchange.
    1. Option 1A: go to moonpay, click where it says buy, select eth, buy enough to cover for the .023 ETH of the a pensamientillo + gas fees. Follow moon pay instruction. You will need to have on hand your metamask public address (you can copy directly to clipboard from metamask).
      1. Easy recommendation: just get the equivalent of 100 USD in eth. That should be more than enough to cover including gas fees.
      1. Ps. why eth? there are many interesting cryptocurrencies, starting with bitcoin and ethereum and many other projects. The blockchain where most of the nft and crypto action related to smart contracts happens on Ethereum. ETH is the currency you need to transact on the network.
    2. Option 1B: In metamask click where it says buy and use any of the options available. Buy enough to cover the .023 ETH + possible gas fees.
    3. NOT WORKING: If none of this option work (card was rejected) then is probable that your country or bank is blocking the transaction, so try option 2.
  2. OPTION 2: ideal if you are interest a in maybe holding crypto aside your exercise of getting a pensamientillo nft. You will do a bank transfer to a new account in a trusted exchange of your choosing.
    1. Open an account in a crypto exchange: its like a regular money exchange service (USD to MXN or any currency) but instead or fiat currencies you get cryptocurrencies (like bitcoin, eth and others).
    2. Which one? Depends on what part for the world you are:
      1. México, Argentina or Brasil: Bitso is the best on and off ramp. Next option (a little more complicated for newbies in my opinion: Binance)
      2. US: coinbase, crypto.com, FTX, binance, kraken.
      3. Canada: coinsmart, crypto.com, bitbuy.
      4. Other parts of the world? a simple google search or ask your trusted crypto friend in your country to point in the right direction.
    3. Advice: The most important thing to look out for (beside safe and trusted exchanges) is that it is easy to convert your currency to any cryptocurrency and the other way around. There are always small fees associated with any transaction.
    4. Convert your currency to eth (get enough to cover for the .023 ETH of the a pensamientillo + gas fees, 100 USD will probably be enough), then send your eth to your metamask wallet. Follow your exchange instructions on how to do it. You will need to have on hand your metamask public address (you can copy directly to clipboard from metamask).

Exercise 3: claim a pensamientillo on opensea.io

  1. Head over to the pensamientillos I collection page on opensea.
  2. Select the pensamientillo you want (If you’d like to see more close up images, see the complete collection here)
  3. Click buy. It will prompt you to connect to your metamask wallet (or other), follow instructions and in a few clicks the transaction will be finished.
  4. The pensamientillo will appear as a digital asset in your metamask wallet. You can hodl it, sell it, transfer it, use it as your twitter verified nft profile pic, etc… it’s yours!
  5. The exclusive content will unblock to show you the email you will need to send proof of ownership and your physical address.
  6. I will send it to your address 😉 and also email you a high quality .tiff so you can print in any format.

Im stuck

If at any of the steps you feel stuck, insecure or have any questions, you can contact me directly thru WhatsApp or email. I’ll be more than happy to talk to you and help in any way I can.

Extra Resources

A list of videos, articles and nft projects to check out:

  1. Videos

2. Articles

3. NFT Projects (Mexicanos)